#4 Demon of Cuba

On a nice and sunny day i had to pack my bags for my holiday to Cuba. I always wanted to go there, and now finally my wish came true. I went to the airport and got my ticket checked, “all good miss” they said, and let me trough. I slept on the plane. I wanted to be there as fast as possible. Then we started decending, wich woke me from my slumber.

The plane had finally arrived. I was so happy to be there, i jumped a hole in the air. The blue sky and sea were beautifull. The light of the sun sparkling on the reflection of the sea was breathtaking. As i got realy excited to explore the island, i had to get my priorities under controle first. My hotel, i had to check in. It was about 10 miles from the airfield but i decided to walk. I wanted to take in as much expirience as i possible could. I had never realy been on vacation anywhere else then my own country. So this was a whole new expirience. 

After arriving at the hotel, checking in and getting myself settled in the hotel i wanted to go and explore more. But i was peckish and also slightly dry in my mouth. I searched for a foodstand for a quick bite and a cool drink. Wich was easely found because there were alot of little carts with all kinds of things, including foods and drinks. One stand had a very cirious item. A little brown red bag with a little sand in it. I asked the sweet old lady selling the item what it was and what the sand was for. She said, “these are the ancient ashes of a demon. If you put a little in your hand the demon will appear in front of you and will grant you a wish. After you have wished for something, you have to blow the ashes in the demon his face. However, if you summon this demon and you do not blow the ashes into it’s face, it will be stuck to you untill you sell the ashes to someone else. You have to get rid of the demon in 3 days or else it will take over your body and soul.”

I din’t think much of it, but i still found the little bag with the story interesting enough to buy it from the little old lady. She looked at me smiling when i gave her the money she asked for the little bag. As i stuck the little bag in my pocket i walked away and came to a food stand. So i bought myself a nice juicy burger and went on exploring. I walked on an empty beach when i saw small mountains on the edge of the beach. As the water kissed the feet of the mountain, i saw a little opening in the slope on the side of the water. I walked towards it and noticed the opening was fairly small. I climbed on the slope with caution not to slip and found my way inside of a little cave. The floor of the cave was cover in a few inches of water. I tried walking around the water on the edge of the floor. But it was very slippery. Suddenly my left foot lost grip and i fell into the shallow watter. Ah, now all my clothes are wet, i tought. But then something strange happened. The little opening to the outside closed. I shot into stress and panicked. I hit the wall over and over with the palm of my hand but nothing would budge. My eye caught a dark purple red-ish glow behind me. I heard a laugh coming from behind me. I tought i was going crazy. I looked behind me and i saw this big creature with a dark purple, almost pitchblack skin. Claws like an eagle. And a face like a dragon. He told me in a heavy tone, “you have freed me and now you will get your reward”. Suddenly i remebered i had the little bag with ash in my pocket. But when i took it out and opened it it was all wet, but empty. I looked at the demon, not.sure what to expect. But i my mouth was shut with paralisis. I tried to speak, but no words came out. The demon started waving it’s claws and spoke some words i could not understand. Then the cave started vibrating and the water in the cave started to pulse. The demon whispered into my ear “now thou art a demon also, thou art part of the undying” Then in a blink i stood outside with my clothes still wet. 

This was 12 years ago and since then i have not aged a day. I look like i’m in my prime 20’s while i should be 33. Not one wrinkle added to my face. I eat very little to nothing and im almost never hunry or thirsty. I can live like a normal human. The only exception is, i don’t have any form of progress on my physical body. I can learn anything i want, and i do. i tested what the demon said. I cut myself in my finger but it healed instantly, like there was never a cut. I have broken my finger on purpose and within 15 secods my finger was healed. I cut off my finger with a hatchet but it regenrated out of nothing within 4 minutes. I even jumped off a building and fell 40 feet to the ground from an abandonned flat. But i got up in 15 minutes and remebered everything that happened when i fell. What the demon said was true. I am part of the undying. Immagine the possebilities. Am i blessed or cursed?

20 thoughts on “#4 Demon of Cuba

  1. I’m curious about what the old lady said: “these are the ancient ashes of a demon. If you put a little in your hand the demon will appear in front of you and will grant you a wish. After you have wished for something, you have to blow the ashes in the demon his face. However, if you summon this demon and you do not blow the ashes into it’s face, it will be stuck to you untill you sell the ashes to someone else. You have to get rid of the demon in 3 days or else it will take over your body and soul.”

    Do you know about this and where can I get that info. Thanks

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